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Acts 1

Acts 1 Bible Summary

Acts 1


V1-3: Luke’s introduction which mentions Yeshua’s appearance for 40 days after His resurrection before being taken up to Heaven.

V4-8: Yeshua’s lasts words and commands to His disciples, including waiting at Jerusalem to be baptised with the Holy Ghost, and that they shall be witnesses to Yeshua locally and to the farthest part of the earth.

V9-14: After Yeshua’s ascension, the disciples went back to Jerusalem, and continued in prayer together.

V15-26: The disciples, led by Peter, chose another disciple to replace Judas and to be part of the apostles.



1)     V6-7: The disciple were keen to know when Israel will receive ‘the kingdom’ again. It will happen but it is not for them nor for us to know the times or the seasons, for such things.

2)     V8: The apostles being witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and in Samaria and to the uttermost part of the earth, is sets the ‘program’ for the rest of Acts.

3)     V13-14: Praying together with one accord, is an excellent model for us to follow. The early Church consistently together, and in one accord, and through that God moved among them, appointing Matthias and giving the Holy Ghost.

4)     V16-20: The scriptures had already prophesied of Judas, and his betrayal. Yeshua said woe to him, and indeed he ended up in a tragic death and his office was given to another. Let us be careful not to sin against God.

5)     V21-23: There were at least two others, Barsabas and Matthias and possibly others, who followed Yeshua faithfully before the crucifixion, even though they were not amongst the 'original' Twelve disciples of Yeshua.

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