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Matt 1

Matt 1

Summary: This chapter gives an introduction to Yeshua’s life.

Genealogy of Yeshua (v1-17): Matthew’s genealogy starts from Abraham, and runs through his descendants through the line of Judah, unto king David (v1-6). Then, the genealogy runs through David’s royal line, down to Jeconiah (Jehoiachin (1 Chron 3:16, Jer 52:31-34) or Coniah (Jer 22:24), son of Jehoiakim, in Jeremiah) during the Babylonian exile (v6-11). Then, from Jeconiah, the genealogy runs through Zerubbabel until Joseph, the husband of Mary; Mary of whom was born Jesus, the Christ (v12-16). Matthew observes there are three periods of 14 generations marking four historic milestones: 1) from Abraham to David, 2) from David to the Babylonian exile and 3) from the exile to Christ (v17).

The Birth of Christ (v18-25): When Mary was engaged to Joseph, before they came together, Mary was found with child of the Holy Spirit (v1). Joseph wanted to privately divorce Mary, but an angel told him, not to be afraid to marry Mary, for the child, in Mary, is conceived of the Holy Spirit (v20), and to call the child “JESUS”, “… for He shall save His people from their sins.” (v21) These events fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah about a virgin giving birth to a son, called Emmanuel (v22-23). Joseph did as the angel said, and took Mary as his wife, but did not consummate the marriage until Jesus was born (v24-25).


1) V1-17: Every person listed in this genealogy has a story. Likewise, everyone person in the world, also has a story worth listening to. Everyone human being is made in the image of God (Gen 1:27), and thus has infinite value.

2) V1-17: Some people find the Bible genealogies compelling.[1] There’s a story of someone old and on his death bed, who was encouraged to know that if God remembered the people, he didn’t know about in the Bible genealogies, God will remember him. God truly remembers everyone.

3) V18-20: Yeshua was born of the Holy Spirit and is truly Holy, just, selfless, humble and good.

We also need to be born from the Holy Spirit to be saved (John 3:3-8).

4) V18-25: Yeshua’s birth fulfills many prophecies, including the Isa 7:14 prophecy mentioned in this chapter. Other fulfilled prophecies include the prophecy of the feast of tabernacles, see how John connects Yeshua’s birth with fulfilling the feast of tabernacles, by using the language of tenting/dwelling (John 1:14).

5) V18-25: Yeshua’s Name is an abbreviation for Yahushua (same as Joshua in OT (full name is seen in the Hebrew of Joshua)) which literally means Yahweh Saves, this confirms what the angel said, that Yeshua “… shall save His people from their sins.” (v21)

[1] Translator and tribe story (

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