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MJEC Church has risen out of the need to more faithfully and powerfully live according to all Scripture as revealed in both the OT and NT. Thereby, allowing the Church to give a more powerful testimony and defense of the Gospel and the Word of God. We believe that a comprehensive Biblical lifestyle and theology will give strong and compelling answers to an increasingly hostile world. Our hope and prayer is that this way of life will lead to the salvation of billions of souls and raising up of a new generation of truly faithful, godly, wise, and powerful Christians, who truly love God.

We are based in Victoria, Australia; our closest major city being Melbourne. We run a house Church, together with online Church.

Please contact us if interested in joining us for worship.


Articles of Faith of the Messianic Jewish Evangelical Christian Church (Simplified)

1. The Godhead.

We believe in the God the Father Yahweh יהוה, God the Son Yeshua who is Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. The three Divine Persons are One God.


2. Yeshua of Nazereth, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah and the Lord God Almighty.

Yeshua, Jesus Christ, is the OT Messiah, and NT Lord, God and Savior.


3. The Authority of the Word of God.

The Word of God, the Bible, is the highest authority (2 Tim 3:16-17).


4. God’s Judgment (Hell), the Gravity of Sin, and Soon Personal Return of Yeshua Messiah as Judge.

God's judgement of hell, due to the gravity of sin, and the soon personal return of Yeshua as Judge.


5. Salvation by Grace Through Faith, Penal Substitution Atonement Work of Christ, and Justification by Faith Alone.

Salvation by grace through faith, through the atoning work of Christ, which gives us justification by faith alone (Rom 1-5). God through Yeshua’s work on the cross is “to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.” (Col 1:20).


6. Obedience to the Commandments of God Found in the New Testament.

Obeying NT commands such as baptism and communion.


7. Obedience to the Commandments of God Found in the Old Testament.

Obeying OT commands such as the Ten Commandments.


8. The Saints and the New Birth.

Being born again by the Holy Spirit. As such the Church is the saints who keep a) the commandments of God and

b) the faith of Jesus (Rev 14:12), and have the Holy Spirit within them (John 14:15-17).


Woman with Bible


How God Has Led.

How I believed and accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as my Lord, God, and Saviour.

My faith journey has been quite complex, involving many life-changing decisions and events. The first step in my Christian journey was when I accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as my Lord, God and Saviour. My testimony starts at my childhood and my family background.

Religion-wise, I grew up as a buddhist, because my dad was a buddist. Dad would take us to buddist temples, and have a buddha statue in the house. We lived in Singapore where buddhism was the majority religion. Sadly, my dad died when I was about 9 in a plane crash as he was travelling home from Indonesia where he worked during the week.

In our loss, our family friend, Auntie Jeanette (the mid-wife of my mum), came to look after us. She told us about Yeshua/Jesus, and shared the gospel with us. How there is a true God, how we have sinned against Him. How we all fall short of the glory of God. How Jesus came to die for us to save us and give us eternal life. How buddha was just a statue. Now, all this made sense to me, and I had an epiphany, where, I saw a bright star. This star was significant to me (another story), and was confirmation that what she told me was true and this is the answer to the questions I was asking before. Our friend asked if I would like to accept Jesus, and I did. I couldn’t understand why anyone would not accept eternal life when it was offered like this. We said the salvation prayer and our friend soon took my family to Church and thus started my Christian journey of faith.

How I believed that Christians should obey all Ten Commandments and keep His Laws/Torah in a NT living way.
As I grew up in our Evangelical Sunday Church, I was taught that we had to obey the Ten Commandments. Now, my mum had sent my brother and I to Melbourne, Australia for high school/secondary education. For all of my time at high school I was basically a normal mainstream Christian that was slightly stricter on issues than others. We were studying at a Presbyterian high school and received some Christian teaching through the chapel services there. Eventually, I was baptised back in Singapore around the age of 18.

At university, I started thinking about the sabbath, I thought it meant we had to go to Church and put aside our work on sunday. Now, I eventually met the Seventh-Day Adventists. To my surprise, they informed me that the sabbath was actually on saturday (friday sunset to saturday sunset). I reasoned, if that were true, then the Adventist were right to have worship on saturdays, instead of sundays. So, this started a long ongoing study of the Bible, and external sources (history, commentaries, etc.) on the sabbath question. Eventually, I agreed with the Adventists on the sabbath (that we have to keep it for multiple reasons, including the argument from keeping the Ten Commandments, and sabbath being basically on saturday) and had been worshipping and serving in ministry work (e.g., evangelism) with them for years. Despite my love for the Adventist Church, my faith was not fully compatible with the Adventist and so I thought of finding other sabbath keeping Churches outside the Adventist faith.

Thankfully, God did lead me to other sabbath keeping denominations in Melbourne and online. To cut a long story short, I visited the True Jesus Church, the Seventh-Day Baptist, Hebrew Roots, and UCG/Church of God. Over the years, I worshipped, fellowshipped and served in ministry work (as far as I was allowed without being a member) with them. While I learnt much, was in much agreement with and love all these Churches, my faith was still not fully compatible with the five sabbath Churches, especially on critical doctrines. However, God had taught me through various experiences, that He wanted me and other Christians to be a blessing to others, and especially Christians, even if we do not fully agree on things. Over time, I began to reason, from listening to others, my studies and experiences, that God actually wants Christians to keep not just the Ten Commandments (including the sabbath), but also, basically the whole Torah to some extent, in a New Testament, Spirit-led, living way.

How MJEC Started.

After a long journey, God impressed upon me that there really should be a new Church group that is able to cater and minister to other people like me. For this and other reasons, we have the rational for MJEC Church! We started this group with a few friends from my Church journey and my understanding family.

By Will Lim, Jan 2022

Will Lim is continuing theological training.

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